Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Johnnia Pounds Away Without Diabetes

Here is another success story from Larry Valmore:

Dear Friends,

Some of you will recall the Success reproduced below from when it was first published November 16, 2004. For most of you, it will be the first time to see it although you may have heard me mention it in a Workshop.

I originally called this woman 'Nancy,' to protect her anonymity. (The majority of the PSYCH-K® Success of the Week stories use a pseudonym.) However, Johnnia is her real name and she has told me point blank to use her real name for this update.

I talked to Johnnia (pronounced like 'john-ah') on Monday, December 17, 2007. She still does a lot of PSYCH-K and had come across a puzzling situation, so we did a bit of brainstorming together.

Johnnia told me she is now completely off of all forms of medication for diabetes (she took her last medicine in July), yet her blood sugar readings are consistently "dead in the middle of normal." Except for two or three occasions since November 2004 when she was hospitalized for other illnesses, and medications for those illnesses raised her blood sugar temporarily, Johnnia has been in the normal range for well over three years now.

On November 7, 2004 we did about 90 minutes of PSYCH-K together in a Holiday Inn hotel room in Shreveport, Louisiana. (I have to admit it was Advanced PSYCH-K; we used nothing from the Basic Workshop, except of course muscle testing.)

Here's a bonus. Johnnia has lost about 40 pounds in that time, without dieting or exercising beyond housework. She eats what she wants, when she wants.

Here's a bonus Success. Johnnia has had some 33 blood clots, including pulmonary emboli. Most people would be dead, but Johnnia is doing well. She was diagnosed with four distinct clotting disorders. (She says the rarity of that is like walking four golf courses in a single day and being struck by lightning on all four courses.) Once she had the names of the disorders, Johnnia used PSYCH-K with herself to balance for a new reality. She's not had a single clot since October of 2006. Very unusual for her.

You can reach Johnnia at johnnacarol@yahoo.com (Yes, the 'i' in her name doesn't go in the e-mail address.)

Original story, 11/16/2004

How Sweet It Is !!!

I'm really proud of this one, as I believe it can offer real hope to a lot of people. Long, but worth it!

A PSYCH-K˙ student in Shreveport, Louisiana (let's call her Nancy) has been diabetic for 18 years. For the last 8 of those years she has taken insulin injections 4 times daily. For the last 3 years, she has taken insulin orally, twice a day, in addition to the four injections.

Now, she has taken no insulin whatsoever for more than a week, and her blood sugar has remained within normal, healthy limits. Last Tuesday (Nov. 9th) she had her first candy bar in three years. She did some work on Saturday afternoon while repeating a Basic Workshop in Shreveport, then the two of us got together for some more PSYCH-K on Sunday evening after the Workshop.

Let me repeat: No insulin whatsoever (except what her own body makes!!) since last Saturday afternoon. A typical blood sugar reading at 7:00 AM (actual 30 day average from Nancy's ever present Glucometer) is 302. Last Monday morning, it was 152. Her 4 times daily readings from Monday morning Nov. 8th through Tuesday evening the 16th are reproduced below. (Her Glucometer keeps records for 90 days.) Nancy says she feels "wonderful" and is "just tickled" with these changes. In addition, her feet used to feel "ice cold" due to neuropathy caused by the diabetes. Now, her feet feel warm again.

I am especially pleased because this lovely lady has done so much for others since she learned PSYCH-K a year ago. Those of you that have followed these success stories for a while will recall the story of the woman who was suicidal, and had written two letters to her family, apologizing for taking her own life. After a single PSYCH-K session with Nancy and Nancy's therapist partner, the woman gave the letters to this former diabetic, saying "I won't be needing these." ("A Woman of Letters," June 8.) Nancy also facilitated the recent reversal of hair growth in a troubled 17 year old ("A Hair Raising Story," Oct. 19). Finally, she was the patient in the hospital, whose nurse had a history of abuse as a teenager. From her hospital bed Nancy facilitated a balance with the nurse, who came in a few days later and said she felt like she could breathe again, for the first time in 25 years. Also, she'd had no more nightmares. ("Phsyician, Heal Thy Nurse," Sept. 7) For this gracious, talented lady to have such a marvelous change is a real blessing.

7:00 AM 11:30 AM 5:00 PM 10:00 PM
Monday, Nov. 8 152 145 130 132
Tuesday, Nov. 9 128 126 74 87
Wednesday, Nov. 10 107 115 112 120
Thursday, Nov. 11 116 160 174 126
Friday, Nov. 12 130 128 141 78
Saturday, Nov. 13 102 71 128 136
Sunday, Nov. 14 116 132 170 142
Monday, Nov. 15 127 169 153 120
Tuesday, Nov. 16 139 165 154 114
Averages 124.1 134.6 137.3 117.2

For comparison, note the numbers from the first week in October.

7:00 AM 11:30 AM 5:00 PM 10:00 PM
Monday, Oct. 4 231 295 454 528
Tuesday, Oct. 5 213 566 552 407
Wednesday, Oct. 6 272 285 374 526
Thursday, Oct. 7 280 398 412 >600
Friday, Oct. 8 253 328 364 480
Saturday, Oct. 9 248 372 349 406
Sunday, Oct. 10 376 384 410 349
Averages 267.6 375.4 416.4 470.9

Altogether, this represents a 65% decrease in average readings comparing the week after PSYCH-K to the first week in October. We're not replacing Nancy's doctor, just augmenting sound medical practice with supporting subconscious beliefs.

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